Rejuvenating Your Skin with Medical Aesthetics 

Have you thought about surgical facelifts, botox, or other skin penetrating procedures in order to improve the look and feel of your face? Are you hesitating in moving forward with these procedures because you don’t want to use chemicals or invasive procedures on your skin yet or at all? At American Regenerative Clinic, we offer … Continue reading Rejuvenating Your Skin with Medical Aesthetics 

Causes, Effects, and Treatments for Joint Pain

Most of us have experienced some sort of joint pain in our lifetime. Whether it was from an old injury, a tough workout, or even from seemingly nothing at all. Joint pain can be an annoyance at best, and chronic pain can affect your life and take away the things you once loved to do. … Continue reading Causes, Effects, and Treatments for Joint Pain

4 Diet Changes That Can Improve Your Skin

We’ve all heard rumors about which foods can help the look and feel of your skin. We’ve heard that drinking more water can keep our skin hydrated, and that processed foods make you age faster. But are these rumors true? For people with chronic skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, what you put … Continue reading 4 Diet Changes That Can Improve Your Skin

What Happens to Skin as it Ages?

Skin is an amazing organ. It also happens to give away our age more than any other part of our bodies. We all hear about ways to protect our skin and keep it from aging more quickly. Sun protection and moisturizing are two simple ones that usually come to mind first. And then there are … Continue reading What Happens to Skin as it Ages?

The Anti-Aging Effects of Ozone Therapy

We mainly see the effects of aging from the outside. We worry about laugh lines, wrinkles on our forehead, veins on our hands, and our hair turning grey. These are the signs of aging we can see with our own two eyes. But the effects of aging that actually affect us the most are happening … Continue reading The Anti-Aging Effects of Ozone Therapy

How to Best Treat a Sunburn

It’s summertime. And that means the beach, the pool, margaritas, new sunglasses, flowy dresses, sun hats, flip flops, and lots of time spent outdoors in the beautiful sunshine. Unfortunately, the hot summer sun sometimes has other plans for our skin than just giving it a nice summer glow. If you’re outdoors at the right time … Continue reading How to Best Treat a Sunburn

5 Benefits of Ozone Therapy You Didn’t Know

Ozone therapy involves giving the body a high dose of ozone in order to stimulate and quicken the body’s natural healing processes. It can be administered in a variety of ways, but is a non-invasive treatment option, and is used to treat many conditions and ailments. But there are secondary benefits to ozone treatments that … Continue reading 5 Benefits of Ozone Therapy You Didn’t Know

4 Conditions EBOO Treatments Can Benefit

EBOO, which stands for extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation, is a unique and innovative form of ozone therapy which has gained prominence over the last few years. It heals and detoxifies by stimulating oxygen metabolism, activating the immune system, and eliminating viruses, fungi, bacteria, yeast, and protozoa. EBOO is the most advanced form of ozone … Continue reading 4 Conditions EBOO Treatments Can Benefit

3 Facts You Need to Know about Ultra V HIFU Plus Lifting

Do you feel like your skin could use a refresh? Do you think a facelift might be the only way to get the look you desire, but don’t want to go to the lengths of surgery? Ultra V HIFU Plus Lifting could be the perfect solution for you. This non-invasive breakthrough in technology is an … Continue reading 3 Facts You Need to Know about Ultra V HIFU Plus Lifting


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