Ozone is a gas consisting of three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms that make up most of the oxygen in the air. You can think of ozone as supercharged oxygen since ozone molecules tend to be more reactive than oxygen atoms alone. This reactivity allows us to use ozone in a variety of ways in regenerative medicine. In fact, the medicinal properties of ozone have been well-known for over 150 years. While ozone does occur naturally in very small quantities, medical-grade ozone can be produced when oxygen passes through an electric coil. This discovery was made by Nicola Tesla in 1896. Once a reliable source of ozone was available, it could be used in a broader range of therapies producing more benefits.
Ozone as an Antibacterial Agent
During WWI, doctors familiar with the therapeutic use of ozone and facing shortages of supplies would use it as a topical treatment to prevent infection. Ozone has the same disinfecting capabilities inside as it does outside the body. Therefore it has use cases in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. In the late 1980s, before drugs to treat HIV/AIDS were available, researchers in Germany found some success in using ozone therapy in patients infected with HIV. Today, ozone therapy is used to activate the immune system by stimulating white blood cells. Reactive ozone molecules destroy fungi, bacteria and viruses, also helping to eliminate infections.
Ozone Reduces Inflammation
The same WWI doctors who used ozone to stave off infection noticed that ozone also inflammation in the area was also reduced. While inhaling ozone can result in damage to the lungs, other methods of ozone therapy such as major autohemotherapy have been found to be beneficial against diseases involving inflammatory cells, for example, asthma.
Analgesic Effects of Ozone
Major autohemotherapy involves drawing a sample of the patient’s blood and adding a prescribed amount of ozone before reinjecting the blood. This treatment has been shown to be useful in reducing the pain associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. Prolozone therapy, a form of major autohemotherapy is becoming a popular method of reducing joint pain caused by age, overuse or sports injuries.
Healthier skin and Increased Energy Levels
Many people who receive ozone therapy report noticing that their skin looks and feels healthier. This could be due to the effects ozone has on increasing circulation and increasing the amount of oxygen available in the bloodstream.
There are many benefits of ozone therapy and it has few minor side effects. Ozone therapy in the form of intravenous ozone, high-dose ozone, prolozone and the newest method, EBOO, is used to treat different conditions. You should always seek the advice of a professional before undertaking ozone therapy. Call us at American Regenerative Clinic to learn whether ozone therapy could help you.
Ozone Therapy, a Clinical Review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312702/
Ozone therapy as a primary and sole treatment for acute bacterial infection: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6178636/
What is ozone therapy? Benefits and risks https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320759