The Benefits of Intravenous Laser Therapy

Intravenous Laser Blood Irradiation Therapy, better known as Intravenous Laser Therapy or ILBI, is a procedure where a patient’s blood is exposed to low levels of laser radiation to stimulate changes in the interactions of molecules. Changes in lipid-water, protein-water, and lipid-protein in the blood affect the activity of biochemical reactions in the body. Benefits … Continue reading The Benefits of Intravenous Laser Therapy

What Patients Are Saying About Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatments

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a popular specialty at the American Regenerative Clinic. The clinic locations mix PRP with ozone in order to activate the growth factors in the plasma. This allows the PRP and ozone to work together in a way neither one can do alone. We’re going to break down the ins and … Continue reading What Patients Are Saying About Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatments

What People Are Saying About Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are incredible cells in the human body. They are the cells from which all other specialized cells are generated. Stem cells can also divide to form more cells called daughter cells. These daughter cells can become new stem cells, or become specialized cells. No other cell in our body has the natural ability … Continue reading What People Are Saying About Stem Cell Therapy

4 Skin Care Tips for Winter Travelers

4 Skin Care Tips for Winter Travelers: What’s the one thing we all look forward to when the weather turns cold and the snow starts to fall? Winter vacations of course! When winter hits, all we can imagine is ourselves on a warm beach somewhere south. The only thing that might not thank you for … Continue reading 4 Skin Care Tips for Winter Travelers

Aging in the 21st Century (It Doesn’t Have to be Scary!)

Aging in the 21st century: Age is just a number, but as many of us know, it can also be a feeling. The truth is, the people in society we deem “old” are actually becoming older all of the time. In the past 100 years alone, life expectancy in the United States has risen by … Continue reading Aging in the 21st Century (It Doesn’t Have to be Scary!)

Our Final 5 Ways to Keep Winter Skin Glowing

Here it is – the third and final part of our winter skin glow blog series! Throughout this series, we have been imparting our wisdom on how best to keep your skin glowing and moisturized all through the dryness and cold of winter. Since we’re in the thick of the season now, we have some … Continue reading Our Final 5 Ways to Keep Winter Skin Glowing

What is Functional Medicine and How Does it Work?

You may have heard us talk about functional medicine as it is at the core of the American Regenerative Clinic. It is the foundation of everything we do here. But what exactly is functional medicine and how does it work? We’re here to explain and help you to understand why this concept is so important … Continue reading What is Functional Medicine and How Does it Work?


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