Better Skincare Michigan

If you are living in the Michigan area and looking for a way to improve the look and feel of your skin, we encourage you to consider American Regenerative Clinic. We help people from areas like Troy, Rochester, Bloomfield TWP, and Farmington Hills achieve a healthier and younger look with natural treatments and skincare. In this article, we’ll talk about the different ways we treat your skin with non-invasive and natural techniques.


Ultra V Lift

Ultra V Lift with HIFU technology corrects deep lines and wrinkles without surgery. No scalpels, no downtime and no recovery needed to achieve firmer and younger looking skin. Patients who have experienced Ultra V Lift have great things to say about it. If you aren’t happy with the appearance of your skin, be sure to consider Ultra V Lift with HIFU. To read more about Ultra V Lift Bloomfield Hills, click here.

PRP Therapy

PRP therapy, also known as a vampire facial uses your own blood to regenerate cells in a specific area. New cells help to create new, firmer looking skin. PRP can be done all over the body. The most common areas include the face, neck and hands. Read more about PRP Therapy Bloomfield Hills.

Holistic Skincare

The American Regenerative Clinic not only provides natural skin care services, but we also offer holistic skincare products like Elina Organics for you to use at home. Our aestheticians are experts in diagnosing skin type and can recommend the best products for your specific situation. Read more about our natural skincare products.

Thread Lift Technique

If your skin is just starting to sag around the cheek, jowl, brow, or neck area, the thread lift technique is an effective way to tighten skin before it becomes a bigger issue. Read more about the thread lift technique.

Better Skincare for Michigan residents

If you want to learn more about Ultra V Lift, HiFU, PRP Therapy, holistic skincare, the thread lift technique or have a question about your specific situation, get in touch! For a list of treatments and services, continue to browse through our website.

Find out more by contacting us today!