
High Doze Ozone Therapy

High Doze Ozone Therapy is now available at American Regenerative Clinic!

If you are not familiar with ozone treatment yet, you have to find out soon. We treated successfully our patients for 2 years with that magic natural gas, and got great results. The most popular way to treat is intravenous ozone application, or what we call Major Autohemotherapy. Small amount of blood was drawn (typically 60mL), mixed with ozone, and was put back via the same vein. Normally 20 weekly procedures required to reach therapeutic effect. Ozone therapy, using this mode of application, has been known to improve circulation, immune system, oxygenation of whole body, etc. High Doze Ozone Therapy is very popular in Europe, especially in Germany, and spreads around the world very fast. In some countries it is routine procedure in hospitals and medical offices, and it is covered by health insurance.

Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky attended master-class workshop this year to learn more about different modalities of ozone treatment. He learned directly from Dr. Lahodny, the founder of High Dose Ozone. As a result, we have bought the newest equipment to help out our patients.

About 2 months ago we started to use even more advanced ozone therapy: High Doze Ozone Therapy. Instead of using 60-200 hundred blood to ozonize, with the newer machine, we able to do up to 2 liters of blood  for treatment at high concentration of 70 mcg/NmL.

This kind of treatment a great deal superior to conventional Major Autohemotherapy. In addition to positive effects on circulation and immunity, it stimulates production of new stem cells, activates existing ones, kills all kind of bacteria, spirochetes, viruses, fungus, etc. It rebuilds mitochondria as energy source, and generally revitalizes whole body. It selectively kills cancer cells and strengthens and rejuvenates normal cells. High Doze Ozone Therapy even slows down telomeres shortening. This procedure works great as major detox tool, comparable to EDTA and other IV protocols. Besides, it doesn’t deplete body of important electrolytes and other micronutrients.

There are some examples of disorders when High Doze Ozone Therapy could be the major or additional treatment:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: Peripheral Vascular Disease including gangrene, Coronary Arteries Disease, status/post heart attack, status/post stroke.
  • Autoimmune disorders: Multiple Sclerosis, Leaky Gut, Chron’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus.
  • Chronic infection: Lyme disease, sepsis, HIV, chronic ulcers.
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning: Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Aluminum, Cadmium,   etc.
  • Different types of cancer.
  • Skin disorders: psoriasis, severe acne, recurrent skin infection, eczema.

In our clinic we combine ozone treatment with Stem Cell Therapy, or/and Platelets Rich Plasma.

Dr. Lahodny also recommends this treatment as prophylactic for healthy cohort twice a year. It works great as detox, energy boost, and immune system enhancement compare to other measures. Besides, it is 100% natural.

High Doze Ozone Therapy in Michigan is exclusively available in our clinic. Our staff is very supportive and attentive to your needs.

Please contact us for an appointment. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. We are here for you!

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