
The 4 Best Acne and Acne Scar Treatments

If you are battling acne or have scarring from acne in the past, the American Regenerative Clinic can help with acne scar treatments. Especially when it comes to scarring treatments, downtime can be a huge drawback to getting smoother-looking skin. But who has time for downtime? With treatments involving getting deep into the inner layers of your skin, while eliminating the need for any downtime, we have something for everyone.

Furthermore, our aesthetic services only use the most natural methods and products for attaining whole-body wellness. Elina Organics products are free from harmful chemicals or solvents found in other beauty products on the market today and are made from all-natural, organic ingredients. Here are 4 acne and acne scar treatments you need to try.

1. Improving Acne-Prone Skin with the Complete Corrective Herbal Facial

This 75-minute treatment is great for oily to dry acne-prone skin. We will first analyze your skin’s unique needs, and then custom blend the ingredients for your individual facial. Each treatment is truly unique and personalized. The treatment plan will evolve as you continue with this corrective facial to account for how your acne is progressing over time. Each facial includes a vacuum, extractions, acid or enzyme peels, exfoliation, treatment serum, nourishing masks, LED massage, and more. Our patients get a lot of great variety with this facial! You can also add services to your complete corrective herbal facials such as IPL Skin Rejuvenation, IPL Skin Tightening, Derma-Pen, or Warm Needle.

2. Improving Acne with the FotoFacial IPL Treatment

IPL stands for intense pulsed light, a type of light therapy used to treat the skin. It is similar to laser treatment except that a laser focuses just one wavelength of light on your skin. IPL on the other hand releases light of varying wavelengths, sort of like a photo flash. The light from IPL is therefore more scattered and less focused than a laser. IPL penetrates down to the dermis layer of your skin without affecting the top layer, which helps because there is no downtime required after IPL treatments.


During a FotoFacial IPL treatment, the visible light energy stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen helps to firm your face and improve the look of your skin. While it’s beneficial for acne, it can also assist with fine lines, rosacea, broken capillaries, hyperpigmentation, and melasma.

3. Acne and Acne Scarring Improvements with the Rejuvenating Microneedling with Mesotherapy Treatment

This treatment can focus on the face, neck, and decolletage and helps to remove acne, scarring, and pigment. It also stimulates collagen fiber growth and improves micro-circulation which improves the firmness of your skin. It can also help to fix uneven skin tones and reach deep into the layers of your skin to rejuvenate its look and feel.


The treatment involves using the action of many tiny needles to break through the surface of the skin and deliver its contents to the deepest layers of your skin. It can be used with Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP), hyaluronic acid, Elina Organics as mentioned earlier, or on its own. We’ll determine the best approach when we do the initial consultation and examination.

4. Improve Acne-Prone Skin with the Skin Rescue Facial

This 75-minute treatment lives up to its name and provides a custom deep cleansing and healing facial specifically for acne-prone complexions. Patients who have received this treatment often report a visible improvement of their skin after one facial.


American Regenerative Clinic offers all of the acne and scarring treatments detailed above. Contact us to book an appointment or if you have questions about any of our treatments.

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