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At American Regenerative Clinic we only use the most all natural methods for attaining whole body wellness. Elina Organics products are made from all natural, organic ingredients; it’s literally food for your skin! Many other products contain harmful chemicals and solvents that may either be absorbed into our bodies or simply create a layer on top of the dead skin on your face- doing you no good. Elina Organics products are bio-energized to allow maximum absorption of these healthy ingredients into the skin, nourishing the largest organ of your body! By using all natural real food ingredients you are treating your face and your body to a feast of nutrients which translates into bright, radiant, healthy, and younger skin!
Elina Fedotova is the founder and CEO of Elina Organics. She is an award winning cosmetic chemist, aesthetician, herbalist, founder and president of the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners. She has found a need in the beauty world for more natural skincare options and formulates products in her own lab in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Elina owns two spas, one in Kalamazoo (Michigan) and one in Pompano Beach (Florida). Elina has demonstrated her skin care expertise on local and national radio and television programs. She’s also been featured in DAYSPA magazine and contributes to Skin Inc. and DERMASCOPE. Our esthetician, Liliya has been trained at Elina Organics Advanced Skin Care Spa, and now all her wonderful products and exclusive techniques are available at American Regenerative Clinic.
In return, American Regenerative Clinic travels to the Kalamazoo location of Elina Organics Advanced Skin Care Spa. We provide our unique all natural services which include face PRP and Plasma filling. Our relationship and partnership with Elina and Elina Organics continues exponentially. We look forward to our future together in serving you.