IV Therapy is still the most effective mode of delivery in medical field. It is why most patients greatly improve in the ER after just a bag of saline. It always seems like a better option to get a single magic pill or handful of supplements to fix ongoing problems or improve ourselves. However, it rarely works because our GI tract often screwed with SAD (Standard American Diet), pollutants, and wrong medications. It requires some adjustments, and sometimes long therapy to digest properly. Again, we presume, you know what to put in your mouth. Before it happens, the best way is to provide injectables, preferably intravenous, to deliver help immediately and take an extra load from the liver.
Understandably, it is more invasive and a more expensive mode of treatment, but is the most effective.
Peptides are short chains of amino acids. There are not proteins yet, but some of them could be very active by regulating health and performance goals, and helping to treat health disorders from simple weight loss to aging and chronic inflammation. There are different modes of delivery available, from skin products to IV formulations. Obviously, injections work more efficiently, especially when combined with other modalities like systemic ozone therapy. The most popular ones are: BPC-157, LL-37, GHK, CJC1295, NAD+, etc.
Homotoxycology products, especially injectable ones, became part of our clinic treatment plan. In order to improve the detoxification process, decrease inflammation, enhance immune system, and eventually help specific organs or whole body to recover, this branch of modern naturopathic medicine offers great solution. Injectable homeopathic products could be administered subcutaneously or intravenously, often combined with our other protocols. The best mode of action was noted if used with 10-pass ozone therapy.
HDVC (High Dose Vitamin C)
It is an excellent tool to boost the immune system. It became popular years ago in the treatment of cancer patients, helping them improve fighting ability. We use only Sodium Ascorbate (not Ascorbic Acid, which could be toxic for most people)at doses from 25-50g and up during single procedure.
Chelation was proven as the best treatment for heavy metals poisoning, especially lead. For decades it was used by alternative clinicians for atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart issues. We combine IV EDTA with multiple pass ozone therapy, and 2 days before EBOO for better effect.
Nutritional IV Drips
Nutritional IV Drips are normally added to our other treatments, or could be used separately. They include Energy Drip, Rejuvenation Drip, Anti-inflammatory Drip, etc. They are assortments of vitamins, electrolytes, micro elements, peptides, etc., adjusted to every patient’s needs.
Detox Drip
(Vitamin C, Magnesium, B12, B Complex, Potassium, Alpha Lipoic Acid & Glutathione)
This drip helps eliminate toxins, helps to detox the liver, increases metabolism, reduces inflammation & improves nerve function. The detox drip acts as a mild chelator.
EDTA Chelation
(EDTA, B12, B Complex, Magnesium, Potassium & Glutathione) This is the most aggressive chelation for heavy metal poisoning. Also, it treats cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.
Anti-Aging Drip
(Vitamin C, B Complex, Vit B5, B6, & B12, Zinc, Calcium, NAD+ 100mg, Magnesium, Selenium, and Glutathione) Want to turn back time from the inside out? This drip helps hydrate, alkaline, plump, stimulate collagen, tighten, brighten, and smooth your skin.
Immunity Drip
(Lactated Ringer, Vitamin C, Vit B Complex, B12, Calium, Magnesium, Selenium, Potassium & Zinc) This drip is great for fighting a cold or a flu bug. Improves both immune health and mental clarity. Specifically designed to fortify your system against viruses, bacteria & allergens. It increases hydration, speeds up recovery.
Immunity Drip Plus
(Lactated Ringer, Vit C, Vit B Complex, B12, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Potassium & Zinc, Glutathione). Glutathione boost helps mitochondria produce more energy.
NAD + Drip (3 hours)
(NAD+500mg, B Complex, B12, Amino Acids, & Selenium) DNA repair, circadian rhythm, metabolism, tissue repair, cognitive function, cellular function, converts nutrients to Energy, clears brain fog,Improves mental clarity, protects brain health, improves memory, migraine headaches, PTSD, Depression, Improves mental clarity.
Glutathione IV injection(Slow Push)
Fast, great energy booster.
Methylene Blue
Improves memory by increasing brain cell respiration, provides more cellular energy for better overall cognitive function, mood, memory and protects brain from disease with electron production. ATP is the currency of life and the energy that powers humans.
PolyMVA +
Improves mitochondrial function to produce more ATP which is the energy source for the body. It works great for chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases.
Hydration Drip
(Ringer solution 500 ML)