We are pleased to introduce Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) at American Regenerative Clinic What is EBOO? Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) is transforming the use of ozone in treating toxicity and chronic illness. EBOO is the most advanced ozone therapy, and can even be more effective than multi-pass high dose ozone therapy. … Continue reading New Ozone Therapy Treatment Available Now!
We are happy to introduce you new treatments available at American Regenerative Clinic – HIFU Plus Lifting and INNOfill Lifting/Recontouring! What is HIFU Lifting? Ultra V HIFU Plus is a remarkable breakthrough in technology, offering a truly non-invasive alternative to a surgical face lift, a MUST have treatment option with a specific intent for improvement of … Continue reading Ultra V HIFU Plus Lifting and INNOfill Lifting/Recontouring
We are happy to introduce the newest thread lifting techniques for face and body – PRP Ultra V Lift Doctor Andrey Lutskovsky had an honor to visit famous Dermaster clinic of doctor Kwon in Seoul. There he learned from one of the best innovators in minimally-invasive plastic surgery. The newest absorbable PCL threads, used in … Continue reading PRP Ultra V Lift
High Doze Ozone Therapy is now available at American Regenerative Clinic! If you are not familiar with ozone treatment yet, you have to find out soon. We treated successfully our patients for 2 years with that magic natural gas, and got great results. The most popular way to treat is intravenous ozone application, or what … Continue reading High Doze Ozone Therapy
Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky – Alternative to Surgical Face Lift at The 9th Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference
We are excited to introduce our truly refreshing and effective Cryo Face Firming Treatment to you!!! This cutting edge, effective treatment, will include a gentle cleansing of your face, followed by an Azeleic Acid peel which will exfoliate and brighten your skin. A blend of Collagen Building Natural Peptides and Hyaluronic Acid will be infused … Continue reading Cryo Face Firming Treatment
Dear Clients, Groupon Package Services will be granted 1 time, for new clients ONLY!!! If you had that treatment, like results and wish to continue – please call our office for your next appointment. You can always buy the package of treatments directly in our clinic with a discount price!
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